Psalm 138:1
I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart, before the gods
I will sing your praise.
I will bow down toward your holy temple
and will praise your name
for your love and your faithfulness,
for you have exalted above all things
your name and your word.
Sometimes there are big mountains before me... Standing there to intimidate me and stop me from finding the joy deep down inside of myself. Sometimes the mountains aren't even that big at all, but they are still standing there to rob me.
I have but one question. Which is bigger... The mountain before me or the God who made me?
It all goes back to a song that I learned in Sunday School when I was a little girl. It went something like this:
'My God is so BIG... So strong and so mighty. There's NOTHING my God cannot do.'
He is here to move the mountains. He cares about that. He wants to move them! While that happens though, I need to give thanks and praise Him. In doing that, the mountain begins to crumble. It falls down around me and the path opens up. It may not be the path that I'm familiar with, but it is ALWAYS the path that He wants me on.
The joy that was once deep down within is now closer to the surface where it is supposed to be. Praising Him... Thanking Him brings us closer to Him.
It makes the mountains so small next to a God that is so much bigger!
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