Monday, November 14, 2011

The Greatness of The Mosaic

Looking back you will see that every step was planned. Leave all to me. Each stone in the mosaic fits into the perfect pattern, designed by the master artist.

It is all so wonderful!

But the colors are of heaven's hues, so that your eyes could not bear to gaze on the whole until you are beyond the veil.

So stone by stone you see, and trust the pattern to the designer. ~ God Calling, 365 minute meditations

I remember reading this devotional this time last year. What I love so much about this little devotional is the fact that each page has the date on it, and even when you re-read this little book... It takes on new meaning every time... With every new day. I read this last year, and it struck me hard. With that though, there was much fear of the unknown. We were preparing to put our house on the market after living in it for 10 years. We had no idea what plan God had for us. My heart was full of fear even though I knew that whatever plan He had, it was all part of the mosaic. It was just one more piece of color filled tile to be laid down amidst the others.

As I read this again the other day, tears came once more. This time, they weren't tears shed out of fear. They were tears of excitement for the next tile to be added. God has done HUGE things in my heart over the past year. I have witnessed and seen our family receive gift after gift with this move that took place almost eight months ago. I have come through a season of tremendous change... As one who self-proclaimed to DESPISE change! More than that, I have come to finally realize that there is mostly good in change.

We are preparing to make another move. It is a move that none of us had planned. In fact, OUR plan was to stay here until we were ready to buy a house again. Our plan is not God's plan though. We are pouring through the classifieds, Craigslist, and property management web-sites looking for what is next to be "home". We are praying together... Around the dining room table, in the living room and while driving around taking care of daily tasks. There is no sense of panic. No fear. The stones will continue to be perfectly placed. The colors will continue to melt into each other... Forming the piece of art that we will only see when we finally get to meet our maker. Every question will be answered during that moment when I see the art in front of me... Beautifully designed by the Master.

Such comfort I find, such greatness in knowing that. I was able to share with my 12 year old just yesterday something that I read about in One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp last spring. It is something that has stuck with me maybe more than any other one thing out of that book. I told him this...

"We don't know what gifts God has planned for our lives or hearts next. All we DO know is that we cannot receive the gifts if our hands are clenched tightly. They have to be open to receive the gifts... Wide open. It is then that we receive so greatly what He wants to give us. It is then that we grow closer to Him and stronger in our knowledge of what He is capable of."

As I said these words to Colby, I felt it with everything that I am! I wasn't just saying it to make him feel better or even to calm myself. I knew then that my ability to feel this way and share this with others is one of those gigantic pieces of tile that the Lord has so proudly added to the mosaic.

"It is ALL so wonderful!"